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As a church family we want to contribute to the things we see God doing around here, using some of the resources He’s given us to make it happen.

We are asking particularly for our church to respond in three ways as a church at this time of the Coronavirus crisis.

1. To embrace the opportunity we have to be the Church and share the message of hope to those in Milton Keynes who are longing to hear that there is a reason for life.


2. We want to be able to carry on doing the things we are already doing – running our Sunday gathering and other ministries in Milton Keynes.


3. We also want to continue being generous with what God gives us, supporting those around us facing financial hardship, missionaries and churches around the world, and local organisations like Bridgebuilder Trust, BMS World Mission, Good News for Everyone (previously known as Gideons), and Home Mission.

Text Giving

Text “LBCMK5 Give £” followed by the amount to 07380 307 800


For example: to give £50, text “LBCMK5 Give £50”

Bank Transfer/Debit Card

You can give your money regularly via a Standing Order or as a one-off gift via Debit/Credit card.


Banking Details

Account Name: Loughton Baptist Church, Lloyds Bank
Account Number: 02408428
Sort Code: 30-15-53


Cheques made payable to ‘Loughton Baptist Church’

Everything we do at LBC is made possible by your giving, Thank You.

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